Ian Turner Is Missing

June 30, 2005 · 0 comments

in Work

Update – Ian Turner Has been Found details to follow

I have know about this for the last 24 hrs or so, but now we are finally able to talk about it publicly. Ian Turner has going missing and his wife and family plus the SEO community are all looking for him. I have felt worthless since I could not help in anyway. Hopefully someone out there will know where he is and report the info to the authorities. Here is the info that I stole from threadwatch:

Ian has been missing since Sunday. He was due to fly back from New Orleans (wmw show) and has not been seen since. His wife and family are all very worried about him, and so are we.

If you’ve seen Ian, or have any information about him that might be useful (anything at all, at this stage) please contact the New Orleans or Atlanta police department.

New Orleans P.D. – (504) 555-2222

Atlanta P.D. – (404) 555-5700 (Fulton County)

Atlanta Missing Persons – 404-555-4235

Or contact Ali, his wife via Sticky Mail at WMW

Ian Turner Is Missing

ian turner

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