Unless you are blind or have some serious mental issues, you can see that werty.net has undergone a serious layout change…well not only the front end changed; I upgraded to wordpress v2.0 and imported all of my old post…all 540+ of them, now i need to add them to categories, as well as tag them…a few nice features. one other change was the inclusion of a built in search page, so I no longer need to use the atomz free search that I used to have on the site…so this means this will be the last atomz style update ever. I do have other reporting available, but I do not think i will be doing it weekly.
 Here you go:
There were 24 searches for the week ending 01/28/06 for Werty dot net at www.werty.net.
Here are the top phrases searched:
 – 3 for “robyn bewersdorf”
 – 3 for “shoes”
 – 3 for “tiffany teen”
 – 2 for “[ blank query ]”*
 – 2 for “ertgohghkoyphjkrh”
 – 2 for “nextdoornikki”
 – 1 for “clear all songs from my ipod”
 – 1 for “reset ipod”
 – 1 for “shos”
 – 1 for “sometimes a man has to accept his lot in life and search the internet for tiffan”
 I will probably end up doing monthly search updates… maybe more if i was not such a lazy sack of fun.
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