Werty Goes gardening

June 5, 2006 · 0 comments

in Food

I recently gave a business update (like 3 minutes ago), and that is going pretty well. I am happy with working for myself and enjoy the flexibility…i just find myself being lazy as hell. Perhaps it is not that I am lazy as much as the fact I am easily distracted. An example is that I worked 6 hours in my yard on Thursday of last week. I weeded my garden area, removed the excessive amounts of dill that decided to take over the yard, tilled the soil, added organic fertilizer (horse shit!) and planted roughly 26 types of plants. Of course being a nerd, I organized them in excel and plotted my yard out in illustrator:

I made everything so I knew the proper spacing going into it and then plotted it into illustrator:


I think it is overkill looking back at it now, but I am glad that I did do some planning or my garden would be an ever bigger mess then it is now. It looks pretty good now, I just cannot wait to see the plants grow. The other up side is that next year I will have a much better idea of the space that is available and a year of planting under my belt…we will see how it goes. In addition to that I have been having to do other types of yard work, including mowing the lawn and patching the grass.

I have an old shitty gas lawn mower that I want to exchange for a manual push mower… the kind they used years ago, and the kind I had in Chicago. They are totally quiet, do a nice job cutting the lawn and have zero polution, plus I think you probably burn more calories pushing one of those then a gas one…although on some mowers I have probably burned 1000 calories trying to start the damn things. Luckily my shitty old mower starts up with out problems. I think I will use it until I run out of gas. Then it is craigslist or the alley for you my friend.

Having a house with a tiny yard can take up 10x the ammount of time of renting an apartment. Compare this my one pot gardening from last year. The good news is that I was sore after the 6 hr gardening adventure and put in another 2 hrs the next day. It was the good type of sore and I was glad to get some exercise.
What are you doing in your yard this year?

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