Scraper Sites?

July 14, 2006 · 0 comments

in 2006,Werty

Hosts : 13056 Known, 2085 Unknown (unresolved ip)
11186 Unique visitors
Pages Hits Bandwidth 2101 3153 26.40 MB 1008 1008 43.82 MB 957 957 36.12 MB 949 949 36.31 MB 923 923 34.83 MB 525 525 21.68 MB 412 412 114.29 KB 384 384 16.24 MB 381 381 16.14 MB 379 380 16.35 MB
Others 47557 178339 1.65 GB

So this is some info from my log analysis software… and I am wondering what the fuck the 2-6th rows are. I know the first one is me, and I know I have been making lots of changes on the site so that is acceptable. the other ones however are interesting. The second seems to be a real site on the front so on the back they must be crawling my site or something?

If I had to guess the ones that use more bandwidth are blog spammers spidering the blog to comment spam at a later date? I am not really sure what to think of it…

On another note I am gonna put linkie winkie on here so I can try and get some extra free trafic.

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