So I just bought another new laptop. This time I bought an emachines M6805. It is pretty sweet, much larger than my last and chocked full of features.
I wanted to test out to see if any of the pixels were burned out and I used the following site:Dead Pixels Test. All is good.
My biggest complaint is the location of the “a” key compared to the caps lock…I keep hitting the caps lock and type like a fool.
Maybe I will report again after I test it out.
In other news:
Finally painted my grandparents fence
Moved my desk at work, it rules…I am “in the shit” with the sales guys now.
Going to Canada in a few weeks, Toronto, it will rule.
Gonna go bowling this weekend
Looking forward to the summer
Pretty boring, still not right in the head, not working hard enough, not working efficient enough…
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