The last time I went to Las Vegas I went on a meat eating binge and had a steak pretty much every night. I think part of the reason is that I had a bunch of dinners planned for business/networking and of course everyone wanted to get steak. I was lucky enough to to some of “the best” steakhouses in Las Vegas, here are my reviews:
Dear Blog, it has been like 30 days since my last post…
I have been busy, most of my time is spent working, and I have been fitting in working out.
- Fresh ginger root
- Fresh lemon
- Honey
- Raw sugar
- Water
- Bourben
Chop the ginger into finely chopped pieces. Throw into a pot with the water. Start it at a really low heat.
Let it sit, and sample it every few minutes.
So my buddy Todd and I are going to be traveling to Asia this October to hit up some sweet dudes wedding, and hit up some other countries while we are there.
Here is our dates:
- Oct 2nd – 22:45 (10:45pm) Manila
- Oct 8th – 18:40 (6:40pm) Hong Kong
One evening as the sun went down and the jungle fire was burning
Down the track came a hobo hiking and he said boys I’m not turning
I’m headin for a land that’s far away beside the crystal fountains
So come with me we’ll go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountains
Like I mentioned in an earlier post I was given a skateboard for my birthday, and so I started to use it.
The first day I was pretty rough, I could barely stay on it for more than a few seconds, but then switched to a larger area to ride, and then began to do a bit better.
Hell may soon be freezing over. Mr. Aaron Wall, revealed that he is now married here today on one of his blogs.
I was not sure if this was public knowledge yet or not, and it now appears to be.

I have been thinking a lot lately about getting a dog and have been running the various scenarios through my head wondering if I am ready for the commitment it would take to have a dog.
I am back from Las Vegas Pubcon and had a blast. It was a great time seeing everyone and I had more fun than I normally do at these events. I think it may have been this way, since it was mostly about pleasure and seeing friends than trying to get any actual work done… don’t get me wrong I did do a bit of work while I was there, but most of it was done while hanging and boozing with the pals.
I was at the gym tonight and had my ipod shuffle with me as per usual…I was on an elliptical machine and had been on it for around 17 minutes so my heart rate had stabilized at around 150 BPM. A pretty calming orchestra type song came on there that was just steady and smooth, kind of upbeat and happy and my heart rate dropped to about 147bpm.
This was my flight from Chicago O’Hare airport to CDG in Paris, France. I got to the airport early where I watched a man with the last name PHAT on his suitcase come to the washroom, do his duty and leave without washing his hands….busted phatty.
I went to Six Flag Great America on Friday night and it was pretty awesome. First of all I have not been there for what I am guessing is around 15 years. I think the last time I went was in 8th grade for a field trip. The last amusement park I went to was I think Paramount’s Six Flags in or near San Jose that Yahoo! rented out for “search night off”. I think the Chicago Stock Exchange rented it out on Friday, so there were no lines and we got to ride pretty much everything in a only around 3 hrs.
Hey all, I am going to be offline for roughly the next 17 days on a well deserved vacation.
I am leaving from Chicago and heading to Paris on the 22nd, where I will be meeting up with Aaron and seeing Radiohead at an outdoor music fest, so I will be camping in Paris for 2 day.
My sister Imed me this morning with a link to these crazy sushi making machines. I love sushi and enjoy the hard work that goes into making it, however if you could automate the sushi making process and still provide good sushi, and even lower prices in the process I am all for it.
If you are a regular reader you may know that I have a garden that is providing more than enough cucumbers and tomatoes than a single man could ever want, but lately my pepper plants have been growing like mad. I have about 10 pepper plants, some little round ones that are still growing, some big greens one that are still growing, 2 habanero plants-still growing, and 3 or 4 jalepeno pepper plants that are producing 6-10 peppers per day.
I was watching some show on the travel channel and took notes on some sweet places in the USA that I need to see. I am thinking this will need to take place either over the winter or next spring?
Here they are:
I have been spending some time this year in the garden and this is the biggest payoff to date.
There are 8 cucumbers/pickles, 2 handfuls of “sweet 100” tomatoes, and 3 jalepeno peppers.
Well anyone who knows me will be quite shocked to hear that I went to a beach. First off I am one of the palest people I have ever met… I am one shade darker than powder, and that is because my parents did not grow me in their basement.
I recently gave a business update (like 3 minutes ago), and that is going pretty well. I am happy with working for myself and enjoy the flexibility…i just find myself being lazy as hell. Perhaps it is not that I am lazy as much as the fact I am easily distracted. An example is that I worked 6 hours in my yard on Thursday of last week. I weeded my garden area, removed the excessive amounts of dill that decided to take over the yard, tilled the soil, added organic fertilizer (horse shit!) and planted roughly 26 types of plants. Of course being a nerd, I organized them in excel and plotted my yard out in illustrator:
“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.”
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” — Carl Jung
I met this girl last time I was down in Vegas…she wrote me a little note.
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So I have been back in the good ol US of A for the last few days… here is a recap:
I heard about this a year or so ago, and was reminded of it this year… pretty brilliant holiday idea. The basis for it is pretty true…
Here is a what it is all about:
So as I mentioned in my previous post, that I will be moving out of Guelph. My sister has been reading up on it however and found some amazing this:
Sitting Pretty – The History Of the Toilet – More info here.
Mar 18, 2006 – Apr 30, 2006
Some have you have known it for a while, others may have foun din NYC, this is for the rest of YOUS. I put my 2 month notice in at work, and plan on starting my own business and returning to the Chicagoland area.
I just got back from New York SES, and boy are my arms tired… (yawn)
Actually this was the first time that I have ever been to New York, and I promise it will not be my last. I had no idea what to expect and actually got to see much less of this huge city than I was hoping.
I was doing an image search for werty tonight and found a picture of a screaming baby that is photographer in awkward situations…personally I love it. The site is called: Las Aventuras del Nino Dolor – The Adventures of _____ _____?
For the SEO types out there you will love this image:
I have had a notepad on my desk which I am in the process of cleaning, that had various notes and things that I wanted to blog. So now I am cleaning my desk and instead of throwing out my notes i am actually writing about the things.
Last time I was in Chicago (xmas break) my sister took me to this place called RotoFugi. It is pretty cool, it is a mix of a toystore and art gallery… the interesting thing is that the art is mainly toys, and pretty much all of it is for sale. I really happen to enjoy alternitive pieces of art and wanted pretty much everything in the store. Most items have a unique look to them and all are unique and most are “cute”. For example here is a picture of Wee Ninja:
My sister came up to visit me in Guelph this weekend and we had an awesome time. We went to Toronto, saw a castle, toured a brewery, ate froma korean BBQ, and cooked an awesome meal. Here are the details with pictures:
I was down in Las Vegas a few months back to speak at PubCon, and my friend came down who is a Vegas virgin, so we decided to live it up in the town and do the sweetest tourist thing ever: shoot machine guns!
After my chicken recipe got rave reviews (pause for laughter, no one reads this!) I am deciding to continue the tradition with these brilliant brownies.
I made a batch last week for my own use, and made a batch for some co-workers on sat. They are really easy to make and have a simple list of ingredients. I will put the original recipe here followed by some notes:
So I had limited ingredients, and limited time and found a really simple recipe that was great over at
This is the original recipe:
8 chicken thighs
6 small red potatoes, quartered
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, or as needed
1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
1 1/2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
I was back in the USA 2 weekends ago and went to a new “Super Target” store. It is like a target, but has a grocery section in it…and they carried one of the products I was craving up here in Canada, but could not find anywhere: Cavenders Greek Seasoning:
So the town of Guelph is having its annual Film Fest. There does not seem to be too much information or hype about this, but I did hear something on the radio, and saw one banner as I passed under a bridge downtown.
This is just kind of a weekend summary / Guelph Canada / internet rant.
I figure since I am becoming an old man, it may make sense to learn how to play golf. Does anyone have any tips for me as far as learning how to play? I know the rules, I may even know club selection… I am not sure if I actually want to learn how to play or just hit balls at a driving range. Either way I like hot shots golf for the PSP and mini golf…
So I am hooked on this new drink I discoverd by accident, coconut chai tea.
Friends, family and visitors, what I am about to tell you may shock and disturb you, but it is the truth. There is a revolution happening as I type this, food as you know it is changing at a dramatic pace. Pizza is about about to get a facelift.
In the last month or so I have been to Barbados, Spain, Germany, Montreal and now back in Canada… I am warn out but energenic at the same time.
Lets break these down by location:
I have this friend Melissa, who was living down in New Orleans and lost everything due to hurricane Katrina. She did however manage to get out of there with her life, and will be moving to Austin, Texas where her work was able to get her a job.
Or so she thinks… She is in the picture of the girls with the cupcakes.
TimeOut Chicago / Caught On Camera
Happy birthday Nicole.
They were watching E.T. In the park. I remember watching invasion of the body snatchers in the park last year…that was a fun time!
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I planted a tiny herb garden a few weeks ago and have been very happy with my decision. being able to go to my porch and just snip some fresh herbs whenever I want is a great feeling, and it makes any food taste better. I wish I had more space to grow more vegetables/herbs. The total cost was maybe $40 and it takes maybe 2-3 minutes of watering a night. Totally worth it!
See more progress on: grow a garden
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Jenn and I finally made it out to the Guelph Farmers Market this weekend, and I am glad we did.
Usually we sleep in or cook breakfast or one of twenty things that prevent us from going to the farmers market. This week we made it there a few minutes before it shut down and picked up some deals.
So many of you may have seen me taking pictures the night of the webmaster radio party. I am glad you remember this… because I sure don’t.
I spoke that day, and dreaded doing so…I think I did a terrible job, did not get to answer any questions and feel my whole presence on that panel was done poorly.
Does anyone out there have a cure for the flu or cold, other than antibiotics?
Everyone at work has come down with something…either the flu or a cold…seems to be the flu, since mine has lasted a good week or so.
So lets see what has happened in the last 2-3 months…
So, I heard through the grapevine about this site that is just like netflix but rents porn movies. That’s right, now you can sit at home, go online and rent three adult dvds in the comfort of your own home with free shipping. This site offers a free trial if you sign up though this link: Porn DVD Rental and buy Adult DVDs online.
Your Top Searches:
There were 9 searches for the week ending 02/21/04 for werty dot net at
Here are the top phrases searched:
– 2 for “least interesting blog ever”
– 1 for “all saints”
– 1 for “boob”
– 1 for “flashlight dildo”
– 1 for “janet jackson”
– 1 for “keenan blowjob”
– 1 for “super bowl”
– 1 for “world s worst lover”
so yeah i have been busy with school. i need to work on rewriting my resume. and some 40 odd drawings of a lighter.
friday james came over and we got some booze at the local bar.
Dear lord. I had so much homework this weekend. It was terrible. I went out and drank a little on friday. Saturday i worked on my industrial design perspective drawings. I was supposed to go shopping for my sculpture class but that was postponed until today(sun) because people are chumps. After working on homework i went out with my sister and nicole. we went to club foot at about 1:30. it wasnt really bad this time at all. rather enjoyable. Then we went to a late night bar. we decided to try nick beer garden. The bouncer was a total choad. He wasnt letting people in until 10 people left or something…so we wait in line. Meanwhile he lets people he knows in. Then other assholes kinda cut infront of us. We had a group of about 10 though. Then we went to maries(??) riptide lounge. again there was a wait. we got in though. i ended up drinking highlife, the champagne of beers. so bad. I ran into this gal, mckenzie(sp??) who is in 2 of my classes. this made me feel nice becuase i thought all of my classmates were about 18/19. I still feel like an old man though…such is life.
so i went on a cruise at work today. it was actually really cool. we got a historical tour of navy pier. then we went on the odessy cruise ship. i drank some rum and cokes. and then we had a kinda fancy meal. it was pretty YUM.
holy christ. i just held a shoulder stand for 5 minutes. woooo go me.
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so lets see. i havent been writing much lately.
i got back from Portland a good week ago.
that vacation really tired me out. i really did enjoy myself on the trip though.
the first part of the trip Marisa and i drove 1300 miles non stop. well other then to get gas and to use the bathroom.