From the category archives:


Getting Stronger

June 19, 2008 · 7 comments

in Fitness

Dear Blog, it has been like 30 days since my last post…

I have been busy, most of my time is spent working, and I have been fitting in working out.


Like I mentioned in an earlier post I was given a skateboard for my birthday, and so I started to use it.

The first day I was pretty rough, I could barely stay on it for more than a few seconds, but then switched to a larger area to ride, and then began to do a bit better.


I was at the gym tonight and had my ipod shuffle with me as per usual…I was on an elliptical machine and had been on it for around 17 minutes so my heart rate had stabilized at around 150 BPM. A pretty calming orchestra type song came on there that was just steady and smooth, kind of upbeat and happy and my heart rate dropped to about 147bpm.


Golfing tips and such

October 10, 2005 · 0 comments

in Fitness

I figure since I am becoming an old man, it may make sense to learn how to play golf. Does anyone have any tips for me as far as learning how to play? I know the rules, I may even know club selection… I am not sure if I actually want to learn how to play or just hit balls at a driving range. Either way I like hot shots golf for the PSP and mini golf…


Does anyone out there have a cure for the flu or cold, other than antibiotics?

Everyone at work has come down with something…either the flu or a cold…seems to be the flu, since mine has lasted a good week or so.

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Yoga – Accomplishments.

September 4, 2002 · 0 comments

in Fitness

holy christ. i just held a shoulder stand for 5 minutes. woooo go me.