While most people are interested in being more productive at work there are others looking for ways to waste time.
About 8 years ago I had an hourly job and I was contractor… I would work too fast and run out of things to do and have to go home early. My boss taught me to slow down so I would always have work to do and get a bigger paycheck 🙂
I just happen to know some of the TOP DAWGs, or the big cheeses in the SEO Industry, so when I needed to train an employee on link building I figured I would ask them what I should make them read.
These are the results: http://twitter.com/wertrose … just kidding, that was still in my clipboard.
It seems like Microsoft sends me 1-2 of these AdCenter packets a week. I have saved them for a while and let them stack up on my kitchen table. I am doing some cleaning up so here is a bunch of free advertising coupons and codes for AdCenter.
I put my SES photos on Flickr. SES San Jose 2006
Here is just a sample:

That is me, Aaron, Andrea (girl from CarFax), and Darren.
Anyone who knows me , may know that I am a complete excel dork. I love Microsoft Excel…and recently I was able to get my hands on the new “excel 12″Â in the office beta package.
You can get your own copy of all the new Microsoft office products right here.
Yesterday I was on the web radio show Good Kharma with Greg Niland. The archive should be up shortly and can be found here.
A month or so back I started a company with a buddy called DottedOnline, LLC. We are trying our best to create high quality websites. Our first site is called Flower Finder.net and is a local florist directory.
Here is a list of my favorite firefox plugins that I use all the time. I got the idea from jimbo over at LBE. I am now using this as a reminder to myself if my firefox ever dies on me and I need to re-install them.
So I have been listening to archives of SEO Rockstars and hearing oilman and webguerrilla talk about how the site link condom (linkcondom.com) is somehow the ultimate example of the google sandbox…so I look at the site and do some werty style diagnostics (look at the page)… and something kind of pops out at me… no mention of the phrase “link condom” at all on the page…it is on there once and done as one word linkcondom… so they are depending on nothing but link weight to rank number one for the phrase.
I just got back from New York SES, and boy are my arms tired… (yawn)
Actually this was the first time that I have ever been to New York, and I promise it will not be my last. I had no idea what to expect and actually got to see much less of this huge city than I was hoping.
I have not build or purchased a computer in a long while and know that many things have changed…processors, SATA, ram speeds, etc…
As you can see I have been accepted into the YPN trial program. YPN is the Yahoo Publishers Network, which is Yahoo’s alternitive/competitor to Google AdSense. I have only had them run on here for one full day, but was able to get a decent idea of CTR (click through rate) and click cost. The CTR is terrible, but so is the targetting (hopefully this will change), but the CPC (cost per click) is around 10-20x more then what I was getting from google. CRAZY. Crazy Indeed.
So I have become kind of an excel power user over the last year or so and have found some crazy shortcuts to save time by using the power of excel to generate spreadsheets for google adwords or overture.
Not sure who reads this, or who know sof my sick little Microsoft Excel fetish. I love the program, I know liek 1% of its features and am amazed at all the complex things it can do.
We all know how easy google maps are to use. they allow you to quickly pull the map around to where you want to go. Well recently google maps opened up its API which allows people to pull data and intergrate other things with the maps.
One really cool example is HousingMaps.
Update – Ian Turner Has been Found details to follow
I have know about this for the last 24 hrs or so, but now we are finally able to talk about it publicly. Ian Turner has going missing and his wife and family plus the SEO community are all looking for him. I have felt worthless since I could not help in anyway. Hopefully someone out there will know where he is and report the info to the authorities. Here is the info that I stole from threadwatch:
So many of you may have seen me taking pictures the night of the webmaster radio party. I am glad you remember this… because I sure don’t.
I spoke that day, and dreaded doing so…I think I did a terrible job, did not get to answer any questions and feel my whole presence on that panel was done poorly.
Macintosh computers userbase is growing steadily creating a larger market-share thus causing an up-rise with discovery of security vulnerabilities and also the creation of viruses has caused Mac Virus to launch. Mac Virus offers a source to keep tabs on the virus and trojan situations for the Macintosh on both Mac OS classic and Mac OS X, Apple’s latest operating system.
BetterBadNews: “Google Pollutes Links Stream With Evil Precedent For Market Censorship”
This is a pretty funny video of why the new google toolbar is evil… if anyone does not know the new toolbar has the ability to autolink certain text on a webpage… right now, upc, isbn (book codes) and addresses, but they could expand it to whatever they want.
It seems like Tide (Procter & Gamble) are attempting to make something out of social networking and permission based marketing.
Users can get a free sample of a new laundry detergent that is coming out and get their name placed on a map, they can then invite friends via email to also get a free sample and get their named placed on a map showing the 6 degrees of seperation.
I know there are a few of you who read this literary masterpiece on a regular basis… get some balls and please sign a comment…
Well everyone and their mother posted about this new bullshit tag that 3 search engines and some blogging companies all agreed would rid the internet of blogspam… well it won’t. Blogspammers tend to hit old blogs that have not been updated in quite a while… like that crap metrosexual dot org site…it has like 700+ comments because the webmaster is a lazy shit and never deleted them, nor did she update the blogging software to “spam proof” the commenting system using various measures such as changing the comment scipt name, putting a blacklist filter on it, locking all comments, adding one of those randsom note fields, setting post timers so the comments dont get drilled….the list goes on and on…what is important here is that it is this old site that needs to update its comment security because some savvy web marketers fond out how to rank sites easily by exploiting web masters laziness…
So there I am working my ass off late last night until about 9pm at night…all I want is some fucking pizza and I want to order it before I leave so that it will arrive shortly after I do. This is where the fun starts… searching for a place called “Chicago(s) Pizza, in Chicago” what a fucking mess.
here is a nifty little file that allows you to increase the speed at which adobe acrobat reader loads up. What it does is not load up many plugin that cause the system to hang every time you open a pdf file. Good stuff.
Acrobat Speed increaser
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What a strange new world indeed for Angus Katzenjammer
Googles story about setting up a blog for your kid. They linked to Humid Lipstocking so i figured I would ruin their example and rank for it (c:
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Woah…check out this blog about a good editor turned bad… hopefully he will add my pr0n links when I need some added.
Corrupt DMOZ Editor: “I’m going to tell you everything I have done. I’m going to give you a
blow by blow of every DMOZ inclusion I am paid to make. I will tell you
how I shake people down, and punish those who refuse to pay me.”
Permanent link to this post (70 words, estimated 17 secs reading time)
The herman miller areon chair is a marvel of technology. I recently purchased mine at office designs for 649.99, and even got free shipping.
Buy your Aeron Chair Online, and use coupon codes Save50 or Save75 to save $50 or 75$ off your next order.
Wow, SEO Rockstars has to be my favorite radio show. It is a radio show dedicated to educating people about how the search engines actually work. It has only been on twice but it is great,
So I have been using my laptop hooked up to an old monitor hear at home and it is awesome…having 2 displays is an excellent time save…i do not need to alt+tab between windows, just cut, move the mouse and paste…or just drag and drop in some cases. My pallettes can be off to the side in photoshop…. dual monitors are awesome.
Your Top Searches:
There were 9 searches for the week ending 02/21/04 for werty dot net at
Here are the top phrases searched:
– 2 for “least interesting blog ever”
– 1 for “all saints”
– 1 for “boob”
– 1 for “flashlight dildo”
– 1 for “janet jackson”
– 1 for “keenan blowjob”
– 1 for “super bowl”
– 1 for “world s worst lover”
So this weekend was pretty interesting. I went to a show at DePaul on Friday and watched Volta Do Mar and Pelican. Pelican was pretty good. They sound like Isis and now have a light show…just like Isis. I would rather see Isis, but they are not from Chicago, so I will be happy that I saw them play.
Work was blah today. There is about 80 hours of work I need to do and about 10 hours this week to do it. I am not very happy with this. Nor am I happy with that entire place. It seems many of the employees feel the same way. Kind of sad. There was great potential when the company was purchased 4 months ago, however the people in charge seemed to have killed the momentum by stalling and stalling. We will see what happens with it….
so my hand is looking way better. i had some blood tests done. i still need to call and get the results.
friday night i worked as a security guard at the peaches show. it was pretty interesting. i got asked back to do it again. so i will.
Dear lord. I had so much homework this weekend. It was terrible. I went out and drank a little on friday. Saturday i worked on my industrial design perspective drawings. I was supposed to go shopping for my sculpture class but that was postponed until today(sun) because people are chumps. After working on homework i went out with my sister and nicole. we went to club foot at about 1:30. it wasnt really bad this time at all. rather enjoyable. Then we went to a late night bar. we decided to try nick beer garden. The bouncer was a total choad. He wasnt letting people in until 10 people left or something…so we wait in line. Meanwhile he lets people he knows in. Then other assholes kinda cut infront of us. We had a group of about 10 though. Then we went to maries(??) riptide lounge. again there was a wait. we got in though. i ended up drinking highlife, the champagne of beers. so bad. I ran into this gal, mckenzie(sp??) who is in 2 of my classes. this made me feel nice becuase i thought all of my classmates were about 18/19. I still feel like an old man though…such is life.
so my first week of school is over.
once i get a locker that will make my commute there about 10 times easier.
i only worked monday this week. and then nothing since.
so i had class today. it went really well. i think industrial design will be a great major, as well as a great class to take. i think will do great in the field. there are plenty of aspects to it. enough to keep me interested. then there is the prototype building which is f’n awesome.
so i am at work right now.