I mentioned in a previous post about how shitty Vonage is… they do have one sweet feature which is emailed voicemail messages which allowed me to post this sweet dude from GoDaddy.


While I am on the subject of fucking, I would like to nominate Vonage for FUCKING SUCKING!


Trader Joes Sucks

January 8, 2007 · 104 comments

in Rants

So it has been a while since my last post, but that is all right since I have been saving up the rage.

On December 6, 2006 I went to the Trader joes in La Grange Illinois and spent $69.90 in my standard bi-weekly grocery shopping extravaganza.


So the events that happened in the last few days have been fucked to say the least. I will list them in order of weakest to craziest:

1. I got sloshed last night and actually closed a 4am bar… it has been a while since I have done that, and although it was fun while it was happening, I “paid the piper” today.

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I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I found out I had a pending review at ReviewMe.com. I was asked and paid to review Aaron Walls SEO Glossary. I have been to it before, thought it was valuable and accepted the offer. Here is the paid review:


When a B list blogger tags a D list blogger does that bring them up to the C list? Just kidding Awall

So there is a game of tag that is going around the “seo blog” network and I was tagged on it. The path went like this: