Meat Coma

October 1, 2006 · 1 comment

in 2006,Werty

The Meat Coma.

I guess I coined the phrase meat coma on 8.26.06 at 11:07am (Chicago standard time)

The meat coma can be defined as the tired state a person is put in when they consume too much meat.

Usage: Wow those three steaks were delicious, but I think I am slipping into a meat coma.

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I went to Six Flag Great America on Friday night and it was pretty awesome. First of all I have not been there for what I am guessing is around 15 years. I think the last time I went was in 8th grade for a field trip. The last amusement park I went to was I think Paramount’s Six Flags in or near San Jose that Yahoo! rented out for “search night off”. I think the Chicago Stock Exchange rented it out on Friday, so there were no lines and we got to ride pretty much everything in a only around 3 hrs.


Just when I thought I heard it all a friend forwarded me a url that talks about Dustin Diamond (Screech from saved by the bell !!!!!!!) has a sex tape floating around, and I guess it is call Saved By The Smell !!!
Personally I think this is a great step forward in his career. I was joking the other day about how he never has to work again since he made bank from Saved by the Bell… apparently I was wrong and I am happy to admit that I am glad I was.


Cingular Wireless Sucks

September 26, 2006 · 2 comments

in Rants

So today I got a text message from Cingular wireless today on my phone telling me their rate for 411 service was going up to $1.45 a call plus airtime. The next option is to proceed on my phone. So I hit proceed and it fucking dials 411.


Rock En Seine Paris France

September 13, 2006 · 0 comments

in 2006,Werty

In Paris, Aaron and I went to this giant rock festival called Rock en Seine, which was held in a suburb of Paris accessible by the subway, or by a taxi. It was miles outside of the downtown area and would be holding a large outdoor music festival with probably 40-50,000 ticket holders. It seems like both the planners and the city of Paris did a shit job preparing for this huge musical event. Here are some examples of why Paris needs to remove their head from their ass if they plan to have a successful outdoor music festival again:


European Vacation

August 22, 2006 · 7 comments

in Travel

Hey all, I am going to be offline for roughly the next 17 days on a well deserved vacation.

I am leaving from Chicago and heading to Paris on the 22nd, where I will be meeting up with Aaron and seeing Radiohead at an outdoor music fest, so I will be camping in Paris for 2 day.