So I am back from SES San Jose 2006, and I got to say the coolest thing I found there were the Google AdWords Radio Ads… holy shit, I think this will be revolutionary in both technology as well as earnings potential. I think there will be some great opportunity there for what the locals like to call arbitrage.


Blogs with a Face

August 5, 2006 · 0 comments

in 2006,Werty

I recieved an email the other day letting me know I have been added to a site called Blogs with a Face
which I thought was kind of odd, so I checked it out and looked to see whate it was all about.


I was watching some show on the travel channel and took notes on some sweet places in the USA that I need to see. I am thinking this will need to take place either over the winter or next spring?

Here they are:


The Garden Booty

July 31, 2006 · 0 comments

in Food

garden booty

garden booty,
originally uploaded by werty.

I have been spending some time this year in the garden and this is the biggest payoff to date.

There are 8 cucumbers/pickles, 2 handfuls of “sweet 100” tomatoes, and 3 jalepeno peppers.


I received a sharper image catalog in the mail a few days ago and it had a series of products that make me wonder what the hell is wrong with society. If you are wondering why I get the catalog, I ordered something out of there a few months ago that charges my ipod when attached to a gift that my dad got for me and my sis. It is pretty cool actually and lets you listen to music in the shower, or take it with you outside, etc. I used to use it quit often, but now I have not even been listening to my ipod…actually lately I do not spend much time AWAY from my computer! It is bad…


I found this site called Pimp That Snack through some talk on another blog, and the site is brilliant. Pretty much it is how people make larger sized items of their favorite foods.

An example is someone wanted to make a larger than life style ROLO candy.