Scraper Sites?

July 14, 2006 · 0 comments

in 2006,Werty

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“solid potato salad”

Solid Potato Salad – The Ross Sisters – video powered by Metacafe

At the end of this you will have wasted 3 minutes of your life watching it, but I feel like I have wasted 27 years of my life up until the moment I saw SOLID POTATO SALAD.

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Well anyone who knows me will be quite shocked to hear that I went to a beach. First off I am one of the palest people I have ever met… I am one shade darker than powder, and that is because my parents did not grow me in their basement.


I am not one to care about much of anything, but I have been hearing about net neutrality a bit over the last few days and did not realize what a big deal it is and how it can effect the lives of me and many of my friends.

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I was reading Gregs blog the other day and ran across a picture of Rae and Bob Saget…IN BED. Now I thought that was a little weird but I knew she was a big fan of his…and once made a page about how much she loved him…


I was talking to ol awall today and showed him an old sculpture of mine. I added the soundtrack to it so he could view it properly over the interweb. the updated post can be found here and it has new viewing instructions on the bottom of the post.