What the hell? Apparently Gillette has released some new super razor, it contains 6 seperate blades, 5 on the front, and one on the top for those “hard to reach areas”.


War of the Worlds

February 8, 2006 · 0 comments

in Reviews

I just finished watching war of the worlds…some of it was allright, but most of it was terrible. The movie is the struggle of one family, of the many, who are attacked by these alien creatures.


LEXX Sci Fi Show

February 8, 2006 · 1 comment

in Rants

I come home from work around 7pm every night and flip on my TV, it is usually left to channel 39 – Showcase, because that is one of the best channels on Canadian cable…well at 7pm this amazing lame TV show comes on…I once woke up to it wondering what the hell it was. Today I made it home to catch the beginning and found out it is called LEXX. I watched like 20 minutes of an episode once and wanted to kill myself, and others. The show is brutal but it does have this chesty character who is kind of hot/exotic looking. Overall I give this show -29728728267 stars, because it is just terrible.

{ 1 comment }

A Weekend Around Toronto

February 8, 2006 · 0 comments

in Travel

My sister came up to visit me in Guelph this weekend and we had an awesome time. We went to Toronto, saw a castle, toured a brewery, ate froma korean BBQ, and cooked an awesome meal. Here are the details with pictures:


Unless you are blind or have some serious mental issues, you can see that werty.net has undergone a serious layout change…well not only the front end changed; I upgraded to wordpress v2.0 and imported all of my old post…all 540+ of them, now i need to add them to categories, as well as tag them…a few nice features. one other change was the inclusion of a built in search page, so I no longer need to use the atomz free search that I used to have on the site…so this means this will be the last atomz style update ever. I do have other reporting available, but I do not think i will be doing it weekly.


Joined technorati

January 30, 2006 · 0 comments

in 2006,Werty

Here is my Technorati Profile. I am totally 2.0 now. I had to do this to claim my blog, LAMERS