So I have 15 readers according to bloglines, but I get 100’s of visitors a day, they all are after 2 things, ipod problems and internet porn… here is what they looked for this week once they got to my site:

There were 7 searches this week:

{ 1 comment }

Aparently I somehow rank for Phil Flash but people come here and do not find what they want and leave. So this to all the internet creeps that visit the site, here is my summary of Phil Flash with even my very own ratings, may you find what you are looking for, and may your hand treat you right as you cruise the Phil-Flash series of web sites:


After my chicken recipe got rave reviews (pause for laughter, no one reads this!) I am deciding to continue the tradition with these brilliant brownies.

I made a batch last week for my own use, and made a batch for some co-workers on sat. They are really easy to make and have a simple list of ingredients. I will put the original recipe here followed by some notes:


If you are still looking for presents for Christmas, and you have a guy in your life that is hard to buy for, this Anthony Logistics products might be the answer. They sell all kinds of personal care products for men, including moisturizers, exfoliating soaps, hair gel, aftershave, all the things that classy guys are used to using.


This is a long past due post…I bought this camera right before I went to new orleans pubcon and took hundreds of drunken photos. To date the camera has been flawless. I got a 512 meg memory stick for it which is perfect and did not break the bank. I would totally buy one of these again…but probably could pay less, and get one with higher resolution, smaller size and more features….oh technology.


Top Searches

December 19, 2005 · 0 comments

in Top Searches

Top Searches week ending 11/26/05:

– 3 for “tiffany teen”
– 2 for “how to remove an album from ipod”
– 1 for “[ blank query ]”*
– 1 for “3”
– 1 for “empty ipod menu”
– 1 for “hard reset ipod”
– 1 for “ipod”
– 1 for “ipod catalog”
– 1 for “loading music to ipod”
– 1 for “megan qt”