Not sure who reads this, or who know sof my sick little Microsoft Excel fetish. I love the program, I know liek 1% of its features and am amazed at all the complex things it can do.
Not sure who reads this, or who know sof my sick little Microsoft Excel fetish. I love the program, I know liek 1% of its features and am amazed at all the complex things it can do.
This week pretty much flew by in a flu induced haze. I managed to sleep some crazy hours last weekend and a few nights this week. I have had the chills, probably a fever, slow thoughts, mind cloudiness, etc… But thanks to sweet homeopathic meds, I was able to avoid missing any work.
This is just kind of a weekend summary / Guelph Canada / internet rant.
I figure since I am becoming an old man, it may make sense to learn how to play golf. Does anyone have any tips for me as far as learning how to play? I know the rules, I may even know club selection… I am not sure if I actually want to learn how to play or just hit balls at a driving range. Either way I like hot shots golf for the PSP and mini golf…
So I am hooked on this new drink I discoverd by accident, coconut chai tea.
Friends, family and visitors, what I am about to tell you may shock and disturb you, but it is the truth. There is a revolution happening as I type this, food as you know it is changing at a dramatic pace. Pizza is about about to get a facelift.