One evening as the sun went down and the jungle fire was burning
Down the track came a hobo hiking and he said boys I’m not turning
I’m headin for a land that’s far away beside the crystal fountains
So come with me we’ll go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountains
Like I mentioned in an earlier post I was given a skateboard for my birthday, and so I started to use it.
The first day I was pretty rough, I could barely stay on it for more than a few seconds, but then switched to a larger area to ride, and then began to do a bit better.
Today I turned 29. It was the same as 28 but with a wicked hangover.
I went out last night to a Lithuanian Restaurant, had amazing food and tons to drink. Then played some darts and was hoisted in my chair 29 times. Today I felt the pain of last nights events, and swore off drinking for at least 24 hours.
Hell may soon be freezing over. Mr. Aaron Wall, revealed that he is now married here today on one of his blogs.
I was not sure if this was public knowledge yet or not, and it now appears to be.

I had a problem with my Windows Defender giving me the following error code: 0X80240022 when it tried to update. I was also unable to download updates for XP, and office through the browser.
To solve it I went to start> programs > administrative tools > services.
I came across this tonight which is a pretty great speech by congressman Ron Paul.
Lew Rockwell did an excellent job transcribing the video so you can read along with it as Ron Paul speaks. It is long, but I think it does a great job of putting into words some of the feelings/fears I have had lately. I would recommend going here and listening to the whole speech while you read the text.